Sunday, January 29, 2012

Four Generations... What a Blessing

Four Generations
Beatrice Burtzel (Great Grandma), Andrea (Guetter) Iverson (Mom), Aubrielle Iverson (Daughter), and Bonni (Burtzel) Guetter (Grandma)
Grandma Bonni and Aubrielle

Mommy and Aubrielle
On Grandma Bonni's 51st birthday, we had a fun day. We spent time with Aubrielle's Great Grandma and took a four generation picture. We also went out to Max's with my parents, brother Shawn, and his family.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Playing with rings is one of Elle's favorite activities, other than climbing. You can just see her mind working overtime when she stacks them. It is so cute. She is very smart! As you can also see, her shirt is wet. The reason for that is because earlier in the day, she thought it was funny to drink her milk and spit it out on her shirt. She was soaked!

Today Aubrielle did some more talking. She has started to say "baby" which I did get on a video! It was so cute. She just loves babies; so, I was hoping she'd learn that soon. She also said "stop it" today. This phrase definitely goes with her personality. She is quite sassy ;) A few weeks ago, when I was changing her, it was taking a while. There were lots of buttons. She slapped me and said, "no! done!" and now she has learned "stop it". It is funny what she decides to start saying first!! Her "stop it" sounds more like "top it", though. Very cute.

mmmm... I loveeee ketchup.

This is one of her first times having ketchup. This is a picture of her from grandma Therese's birthday dinner. She wouldn't stop eating the food after the ketchup was on it. She ate her whole meal, plus she dug into grandma's meal. Her love of ketchup, combined with her love of pickles, has convinced me that she is a true Rohlik offspring. She takes after that daddy of hers way too much ;)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Elle and her best friend, Lion. I wonder if she likes him soo much because her other best friend, Sawyer, looks like a lion... without a mane ;) $2.50 well spent! Thank you, Kohls. She walks around our house all day with this lion saying "roooooooooooooar". She previously knew that cows said "moo" but now she is so into the "roar" that cows now say "roar" too ;)

Climbing + "No" = Tantrum

Aubrielle's favorite activity in the whole wide world (for this moment) is to climb. She climbs on the end table and couch all day long. Tonight, she climbed all the way to the top of the couch and was looking out the window. When we, out of concern for her safety, took her down... this is the thanks we got! ;) This was probably her 58th tantrum of the day. We are now tired parents of a tantruming (I'm quite sure this is not a word, but there are no other words to describe her) toddler... but couldn't be happier!!! Her little personality develops a little more every day. She is smart, curious, and funny. Now if only we could improve her lack of patience and aversion to the word "no"... :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Crazy Winter

January 5, 2012

The first photo is Aubrielle enjoying her first "winter" where she can actually go out and about. She received a new snowsuit from Grandma Bonni for Christmas but had no use for it! It was 50 degrees at the beginning of January.  

January 21, 2012
Now today, January 21, it is finally starting to feel like winter. We were able to get the snowsuit out! The snow arrived this week. Although, it is still not nearly as much snow as we are used to having! It was almost too cold for Aubrielle to go outside (feels like -11), but we had to let her experience the snow. She lasted about five minutes. She had a great time, though. Sawyer didn't last much longer. He's not a huge winter fan, either! Hopefully this is the most snow we see this year, but... I doubt it!