Sunday, January 22, 2012

Climbing + "No" = Tantrum

Aubrielle's favorite activity in the whole wide world (for this moment) is to climb. She climbs on the end table and couch all day long. Tonight, she climbed all the way to the top of the couch and was looking out the window. When we, out of concern for her safety, took her down... this is the thanks we got! ;) This was probably her 58th tantrum of the day. We are now tired parents of a tantruming (I'm quite sure this is not a word, but there are no other words to describe her) toddler... but couldn't be happier!!! Her little personality develops a little more every day. She is smart, curious, and funny. Now if only we could improve her lack of patience and aversion to the word "no"... :)

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